Supporting Women in their Postpartum Journey.



Navigating the Postpartum Journey: Support and Solutions for New Moms.


Welcome to my Postpartum Care and Lactation Support page. I understand that the postpartum period can be an incredibly transformative time for women, filled with a range of emotions and unique challenges. As a dedicated evidence-based Naturopathic doctor, I am here to support you through this journey with compassion, expertise, and personalized care.

The postpartum period is a time of remarkable physical and emotional changes. It is common for women to experience a mix of joy, exhaustion, anxiety, and even feelings of overwhelm during this phase. The demands of caring for a newborn, combined with the physical recovery from childbirth, can leave you feeling vulnerable and in need of support. I am here to provide that support and help you navigate this important chapter in your life.

With a specialized focus on postpartum care and lactation support, I  have developed a deep understanding of the challenges that arise during this period. I believe in an evidence-based approach, which means that my recommendations are grounded in the latest scientific research and clinical experience. By combining the best of conventional medicine and naturopathic, I offer comprehensive solutions to help you thrive in your postpartum journey.

I invite you to explore my website and learn more about the services I offer. Whether you are struggling with breastfeeding difficulties, hormonal imbalances, or simply need support in adjusting to the demands of motherhood, I am here to support you!


Common Challenges in the Postpartum Period and Lactation

Breastfeeding Difficulties

Breastfeeding is a natural process, but it can come with challenges. Common issues include latching difficulties, nipple soreness, or inadequate milk transfer. These challenges can be caused by improper positioning, tongue tie, or low milk supply. I provide expert guidance in overcoming these obstacles, helping you establish a successful breastfeeding relationship with your baby.



Engorgement occurs when breasts become swollen and painful due to an excess of milk. Symptoms may include breast fullness, tenderness, and difficulty latching. Engorgement can be managed by frequent nursing, applying warm compresses, gentle breast massage, and using cold packs between feedings.



Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that causes pain, redness, and swelling. It is often accompanied by flu-like symptoms such as fever and fatigue. Common causes include blocked milk ducts and bacteria entering the breast tissue. Treatment may involve antibiotics, warm compresses, rest, and continued breastfeeding to aid in clearing the infection.


Low Milk Supply

Low milk supply can be distressing for new mothers. It can be caused by factors such as hormonal imbalances, ineffective feeding, or certain medications. I will work with you to identify the underlying causes and develop a personalized plan to boost milk supply. This may include techniques to improve latch, herbal remedies, and nutritional guidance.


Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that affects many new mothers. Symptoms may include persistent sadness, anxiety, loss of interest, and difficulty bonding with the baby. My approach includes naturopathic therapies, emotional support, counseling, and, if necessary, referrals to mental health professionals for further evaluation and treatment.


Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances during the postpartum period can lead to various challenges, including mood swings, irregular periods, or changes in energy levels. My comprehensive approach combines naturopathic therapies, nutritional support, and lifestyle modifications to restore hormonal balance and support your overall well-being.


Sleep Disturbances

Sleep disturbances are common in the postpartum period due to the demands of caring for a newborn. I provide guidance on improving sleep hygiene, relaxation techniques, and therapies to promote restful sleep, ensuring you get the rest you need to recover and thrive.


Overall Wellness

Beyond specific challenges, I prioritize your overall wellness during the postpartum period. My approach focuses on nourishing your body with proper nutrition, supporting your mental and emotional well-being, and addressing any other concerns you may have. I consider the unique needs of each woman and provide personalized care to optimize your postpartum recovery and enhance your overall wellness.



You don’t have to face the postpartum period alone. Reach out to schedule a consultation, I would love to support you on your post-partum journey. 


“The postpartum period is a sacred time of transformation and self-discovery. Embrace the challenges and honor the triumphs, for within them lies the opportunity for growth, healing, and the blossoming of your maternal power. Trust in your body’s wisdom, seek support when needed, and remember that you are strong, resilient, and capable of navigating this journey with grace and love.”